
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Day We Lost Our Mum

  I remember the day our mum passed in December of 2011 like it was yesterday.   Mum had always just been there and it was unfathomable that one day, she wouldn’t.   Life wasn’t easy for mum and when I look back, there are so many things I wish I could have done differently to make her passing more peaceful.   I wish we had chosen different music for her funeral; I wish I had been by her bed right at the end; I wish we could have taken her outside one last time instead of being stuck in that awful ICU; so many things I wish I could have changed. And if only she’d had a few more years on this earth.   If only she could have seen our kids start school; if only she’d been here for the birth of our youngest, if only…. Everything seemed so unfair for the longest time; even now, it hardly seems fair that our kids have grown up without knowing their Nan.   That has been the biggest disadvantage of being the youngest child in my family!   All of my siblings’ kids grew up with mum around